This is How Aneesh Steered His Life In The Right Direction Through Counseling.

Here’s the story of a young, unflinching man who, with grace and courage, picked himself up every time life knocked him down.

Aneesh is currently 23 years old and an alumnus student from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU). He bears the marks of a true explorer as he has grown up in many variegated parts of India.

Though traveling to variegated places perhaps is an heady endeavor for some people, it’s not unchangingly easy, expressly when you’re a child. Aneesh was constantly the ‘new kid’ in school, making it difficult for him to find his true identity.

He’s well-versed in many variegated hobbies, veering from sketching and reading to playing scrutinizingly every sport that he could think of.

“One of my greatest interests is learning. I love to reap new knowledge well-nigh veritably anything, expressly science and technology.”

Being an older sibling comes with unrepealable responsibilities and expectations. Aneesh mentions that though he had a unconfined relationship with his family, stuff an older sibling had impacted his weft in ways he only realized much later in life.

“I realized that I need to be in tuition of everything. If things weren’t going equal to my control, I would start to finger helpless.”

Aneesh loved to stay in tenancy of things happening virtually him. He steered his wend in a way where he could stave crashing into anything that could be an obstacle.

However, a nonflexible pill to swallow is the fact that we can’t overly truly have well-constructed tenancy over what happens in life. We can steer ourselves, but ultimately, the wind pushes us to places.

“I started to finger like a storm was coming my way. Things were going wrong in most of my relationships with friends and family. I moreover felt very stressed when it came to academics.”

Moreover, his family had a challenging time during the pandemic. He lost his grandfather tragically, and the undersong became scrutinizingly unbearable.

“I could not winnow that I didn’t have tenancy over the things happening. I started to wilt very ego-centric and it unauthentic my relationships virtually me.”

Storms are a natural part of our ecosystem. Though they come with thunder and lightning, they’re moreover a time for growth and whence again.

Similarly, Aneesh decided to take this as an opportunity to transpiration his perspective and start fresh. Knowing he didn’t have to do this alone, he embraced counseling as a part of his journey.

He mentioned that he heard well-nigh YourDOST through his university, which is how he began his healing process.

“My counselor, Ms. Meera helped me transpiration my life. Like a perfect guiding lamp, she would help me discover the answers to my questions.”

Ms. Meera knew that Aneesh loved to read well-nigh science and used those topics to help relate to him. He found himself fascinated by her techniques, making him unswayable to try them.

“Ms. Meera was extremely understanding and patient with me. She embraced my ideas too, and that helped instill a sense of conviction in me.”

With her help, Aneesh started to finger like he could slowly let go of his need for control. He grew into a increasingly confident, patient, and empathetic version of himself.

“I used to have a very strong fear of failure. Now, with the help of my counselor, I have learned to believe in my skills and that is a liberating feeling.”

We’re the authors of our own stories. With every passing day comes an opportunity to grow. Aneesh decided to write his growth chapters and has progressed into a resilient, mettlesome individual.

He rates himself a 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better, and we are vastitude excited to see him write the next chapters of his life!

Aneesh’s Warrior Tips:
1. “No matter how tough life gets, don’t forget that everything is a learning experience.”
2.“Ask for help when you need it. There will unchangingly be support virtually you.”